African Christian Ecumenical Alliance (ACEA) is a South Sudanese national nonprofit and Christian based organization working for humanitarian assistance and development across South Sudan through diversity and ecumenical spirit. Our core interventions are includes; Protection, Food security and Livelihood, Water, Sanitation and Health, Peace-building, Education and Advocacy.

ACEA South Sudan has a field offices in Wau, Western Bahr el Ghazal State, Kuajok, Warrap State, Abyei-Abyei Administrative Area, Torit, Eastern Equatoria State and Juba, Central Equatoria State.

African Christian Ecumenical Alliance aims to deliver humanitarian assistance and development to conflict-affected and host communities in the region.

ACEA has been legally registered with South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (SSRRC) as a national nongovernmental organization under Chapter 3, section 10 of NGOs Act, 2016.

It is our core belief that we are one mystical body in God. We want all of our work to reflect that unity and to demonstrate that if any part of the body suffers, we all suffer. By the same belief, we also demonstrate that when one part of the body rejoices, we all rejoice. ACEA is enormously committed to achieving positive, effective and lasting change through building sustainable and resilient societies across the region.

Our Vision

Empowering the poor and conflict-affected communities in South Sudan to eliminate the causes of suffering and replacing despair with hope, fear with human security and humiliation with dignity.

Our Mission

African Christian Ecumenical Alliance is committed to the continued presence empowerment and well being of South Sudanese people to raise the bonds of solidarity.

- Core Values -

Based On Faith

It is our core belief that we are one mystical Body in God. We want all of our work to reflect that unity and to demonstrate that if any part of the body suffers, we all suffer. By the same belief, we also demonstrate that when one part of the body rejoices, we all rejoice.

Dedicated To Rights And Justice

We firmly believe that a just rights in South Sudan is the only long-term solution to the difficult living conditions that have led many community to emigrate. We encourage the work of those who help bridge the distance between the political factions that exacerbate the situation in the South Sudan.


We take full responsibility for our activities and are accountable for our work. We honor our commitments and take pride in our work. in the South Sudan.


We readily and openly provide information. We proactively communicate our work status, priorities, and deadlines. We make clear the rationale for our recommendations. We convey changes immediately and consistently.


We are committed to supporting the achievement of the organization goals and are fully aligned with its strategic and academic priorities. The goals serve as the framework by which we operate and make decisions.


We work as engaged partners with all areas of the organization. We openly share information, knowledge and best practices across that we are dependent on each other for the organization’s success.


We approach our work with a deep respect for different opinions and seek to find common ground. No matter how difficult the issue or circumstance, we treat those we encounter with respect and dignity.


We approach our work with a deep respect for different opinions and seek to find common ground. No matter how difficult the issue or circumstance, we treat those we encounter with respect and dignity.

Effectiveness And Efficiency

We seek effective and efficient ways to solve problems, better serve our customers, and to remain fiscally responsible. We are not afraid to try new things in our efforts to continuously enhance the results of our work. We constantly measure ourselves to demonstrate a commitment to be good stewards of the resources allocated to us.